Monday 22 July 2019

Day Camp 2 - Monday

July 22

Today was Superhero Day at Camp Amicus!

As such, many of our daily activities were superhero-themed, such as camp-wide game, clubs, and choice. Campers and staff were encouraged to dress up as their favourite hero or villain, video game character, or invent their own – anything that represented a hero to them.

After our 2:6 zones of regulation check-in to start the day, we moved to camp-wide game. Leadership and support staff facilitated six different stations for campers to move through with five minutes at each station, each with a unique superhero theme.

Social skill was next, and today’s social skill was body language. Campers partook in role-playing and debriefs, to further understanding of how one’s body language can be interpreted by others, as well as how to better read the body language of others. We then transitioned to clubs.

Campers in cooking club made and decorated rice krispie treats, with many opting for personalized designs. I personally saw two narwhals and a video game controller. Sports club played in the gym, with a twist! All games were glow-in-the dark, and all participants had glowsticks. No-light situations aren’t conducive to shooting, but it sure looked like they had fun!

We had half an hour of free time before lunch. As always, the air hockey table was a hot spot.

After lunch, it was time for choice. Two of our choices today were craft-based, where campers could make capes and masks, respectively. Campers who signed up for both came out of today a full-fledged superhero! In our two other choice slots, campers could choose from an obstacle course in the gym, as well as dodge the kryptonite in the outside field. Sunscreen was a must!

After choice, we met at the flagpole at the front of Foothills Academy for Steps in the Right Direction, and then dispersed for the final activity of every day, our 2:6 Zones of Regulation check-in.

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