Friday 19 July 2019

Day Camp 2 - Thursday

July 18

Today, much of our time was spent at the Calgary Zoo.

We began our day with a Zones of Regulation check-in, and soon after, we transitioned to Social Skill.

The skill we focused on today was de-escalating conflict. Knowing how to self-regulate in the event of conflict, as well as actively listening to the other person during conflict were big focuses of this skill.

 In counsellor Data’s social skill, campers learned the acronym VOEP. It stands for Vocalize, Own, Empathize, Plan. Data taught the importance of clearly expressing one’s side of the story, owning up to their actions, understanding how the other person feels, and planning for how to move forward. Concepts from this skill are transferrable to others that we will touch on in week two, such as understand others’ emotions.

After Social Skill was wrapped up, our bus arrived. Everyone applied sunscreen and bug spray, and we boarded the bus!

At the zoo, we mainly split into our 2:6 groups, or 1:3, after travelling to our meeting spot close to the cafeteria. We travelled to and from the bus together, and ate lunch together, but for the most part, we were split into our groups. Many groups planned their zoo day by giving each camper one choice of animal, and prioritizing based on location.

Overall, we got around three hours at the zoo. Though the forecast called for a chance of rain all day, it only began to rain once we boarded the bus! We avoided hail very nearly as well.

Once back at Foothills Academy, we ended our day with a Zones of Regulation check-in.

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